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Explore 30 projects or browse by category.

Rubber Band Helicopter

A DIY rubber band-powered helicopter science project for kids.

Powered by rubber bands, this helicopter is easy to build and can fly straight up over 20ft.

Suggested ages: 7+

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Science Fair Experiment Guide

Propeller Powered Car

A DIY engineering car project that's powered by a propeller and rubber bands.

This rubber band-powered propeller car design is optimized for speed and distance.

Suggested ages: 9+

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Rubber Band Car

A DIY rubber band car engineering project made from craft sticks and large wheels.

A high-performing rubber band-powered car design. Big wheels provide traction and distance.

Suggested ages: 9+

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Triangle Truss Bridge

A DIY truss bridge science project made from craft sticks.

Stronger than a square-shaped bridge, this truss bridge design will hold extremely heavy loads.

Suggested ages: 9+

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Slingshot Car

A DIY small car project that launches using rubber band power.

Simple to build with a big payoff, the slingshot car zips across the floor surprisingly fast.

Suggested ages: 7+

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Easy Hydraulic Machine

A DIY easy and fun engineering project that uses a hydraulic system made from plastic syringes.

Build a simply hydraulic mechanism, then customize its function however you'd like.

Suggested ages: 9+

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